Saturday 15 June 2013

The real measure of life


                                             LIFE'S REAL MEASURE IS DONATION,
                                                            AND NOT DURATION

In a simpler term, a fulfilled life is not ascertained because of its age. One might live up to one hundred years and has not signed any positive impact into another life in any means.
Age is a measure that prove that you are growing. Over the years a lot of people feel reluctant about the people the situations of things around their local and their society at large.
The soul aim of writing this article is to remind us that we all were created for a specific reason and we will be answerable to God and humans if not probably carried out.

                                             Great men die, but their names
                                             Never die. By Amucham Samuel

Over the years I have always heard thrilling stories about some great men and women who made wonderful achievements in life.

                                                FAILS TO FULFILL ITS GOD'S
                                                         GIVEN POTENTIALS !!!!

Most a times people say " life is a market place where you come to buy, after which you go home" This assertion sounds well in the sense that every human being would die some day.
Now the THEME of this article is, after you must have gone what do you what to leave behind as a signature that you were once on earth?. Is it CHILDREN, WIFE, WEALTH, FULFILLING YOUR GOD'S GIVEN POTENTIALS ??..

Hahahahaha.. That sounded interesting right, anyway that was listed to know your own mindset, different people with different faces and tomb print.
I wouldn't want to bog you with much words, among all the above listed; FULFILLING YOUR GOD'S GIVEN POTENTIAL is a container that contains all of them but seems not to be. POTENTIAL what is it all about.