De impartors foundation a non governmental, non profit organization that was established by five youth now plans it big to launch a youth magazine soon.
Definiteness of purpose is the most potent tool for. wealth
creation. God's power and anointing is locked inside divine purpose
(Romans 8:28). Heaven's provision follows heaven's vision. If you
develop a vision by your self, then you have to find the provision by
You must be absolutely sure of where you are going. Define what
drives and motivates your uniqueness. It is very difficult for you to
try to be somebody else and get the same breakthroughs that the person
is getting. It will be though. You need to define your uniqueness.
Your purpose in life should affect the choice of.your marriage
partner, and your career. Understanding your assignment should dictate
decisions in all the vital areas your life. Your purpose is not your
decision, It is your discovery..
To discover to recover you purpose firstly, Identify you gifts
and talents. Know your temperaments. Discover your dominant traits. You
have a combination of gift that are unique to you.
John Manson said, imitation is your limitation. The more you try to be some else, the less of yours you become.
Develop confidence in your gift and build your life around
your gift. There is no area of life you cannot make your millionaires.