Sunday 9 June 2013

Say no to abortion !!!

If you have been thinking about having an abortion, there are a number of different things which you should be sure to consider beforehand. Whether or not having an abortion is morally correct is not the issue here. While majority of the studies which have been performed about the dangers which are associated with abortions are often scrutinized and debated, there are a variety of different known factors which you might experience after having an abortion. Each of these factors may be negative to your health, so it is important to take one into consideration before you decide to go through with an abortion. Read on to learn about some of the things that you may be faced with when you decide abort a baby. One of the most common affects of an abortion is inflammation of the cervix. Although this may sound like a very harmless, insignificant side effect, the truth is that it is not. In fact, the results of this side effect tend to be very severe. One of the things that it can lead to is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, which can eventually permanently damage your pelvis. It can also lead to Cervical Cancer later on in life. It is estimated that about three thousand women die from Cervical Cancer in the United States each year.
Infertility is another very common affect of having an abortion. This is especially something that you might experience if you decide to have more than one abortion. In fact, abortions can be held as an accountable problem for at least thirty percent of women who are experiencing problems with infertility. Another thing that having an abortion may cause is complications during a later pregnancy. Some of the things that you may be faced with if you should decide to get pregnant after an abortion include premature births, an increased chance of having a miscarriage, low infant birth weights, and even infant death. If having children in the future is something that you are looking forward to, chances are that you might want to reconsider having an abortion because of these dangers.
Of course, you should keep in mind that having an abortion does not make it impossible for you to give birth to healthy children in the future. It is important to make sure that you inform your gynecologist that you have had an abortion in the past once you are diagnosed as pregnant.
Majority of the time, abortions are performed illegally. Although this may sound very appealing to you, the truth in the matter is that abortions which are performed illegally tend to be very unsafe. The main reason is because illegal abortions are often performed by inexperienced doctors. This can lead to infections, the inability to stop bleeding, and even death among some women. In fact, when abortions are performed in other countries by inexperienced doctors, death tends to be a very common problem.
The most common, but rarely thought of, danger that is associated with having an abortion is the emotional side effects. Feelings of guilt, anger, hurt, and so much more can linger for years. If you experience these affects, you might require the attention of a psychologist or counselor.
Each of these possible dangers which are associated with having an abortion may make you want to reconsider going through the procedure. However, if you have decided that you do want to go through with it, here are some of the things that you should look for when deciding who to choose to perform your abortion:
- You should make that you choose an abortionist who is very experienced. It is important to ask whether or not the one you are considering is a certified physician, and whether or not they have any experience in obstetrics or gynecology. Although you may not even know it, there are many abortionists out there who are not certified physicians.
- Never choose a clinic who tries to persuade you into making the decision as soon as you possibly can. This means that they are just interested in having you go through the procedure in order to earn their money. You should be given as much time as you possibly need in order to decide whether or not an abortion is the right choice for you.
- If you are under eighteen years of age, you should never choose an abortionist who will do an abortion for you secretly, without telling your parents. If there are any complications during the procedure, your parents may end up finding out later on. Abortions which are done in secrecy will not help matters.
- Always make sure that you choose an abortion clinic who requires you to have counseling before your abortion. Although this is not a requirement in all states, it is important for you to have a complete understanding of why you are interested in an abortion, which is why pee-abortion counseling is essential.
- Know that you should be informed about some of the risks which are associated with having an abortion. If a clinic does not inform you about any types of risks, even those which may be debatable, you should beware.
- Ask all of the questions which you can possibly think of. Keep in mind that you are better safe than sorry. If you feel that the abortionist is not being completely honest about any of your questions, you might want to consider looking elsewhere.
- Do not choose a clinic which requires you to sign a paper which states that if something should go wrong they are not to be held liable.
- Make sure that you are asked many questions about your medical history. Though you might not realize it, there are so many other things which can affect how safe an abortion will be for you. If a particular clinic only asks for your name and address, you should certainly choose another clinic.
If you are sure to follow all of these tips, your risk of experiencing harmful dangers due to an abortion will greatly decrease. The most important thing, however, is for you to understand that having an abortion is not something which should be taken lightly. You should give it much thought and consideration before you decide to go through with it.

Millions of women face unplanned pregnancies every year. If you are deciding what to do about an unplanned pregnancy, you have a lot to think about. You have three options — abortion, adoption, and parenting.
Whether you're thinking about having an abortion, you're helping a woman decide if abortion is right for her, or you're just curious about abortion, you may have many questions. Here are some of the most common questions we hear women ask when considering abortion. We hope you find the answers helpful.
  • How Can I Know If Abortion Is the Right Option for Me?

  • Who Can Help Me Decide?

  • How Soon Do I Have to Decide?

  • How Is Abortion Done?

  • Are There Any Long-Term Risks of Abortion?

  • If I Have an Abortion, How Will I Feel Afterward?