Sunday 9 June 2013

A good marketting strategy, recommended for you !!!

So many people fail in their various line of business because they had failed to do some certain things which sounds or look common.
Some of the major things one most consider in business is ADVERTISING and MARKETING.
The image here was a wonderful marketing and advertising strategy used by POP-SWEET marketers on the street with sound music and dancing which attracted children and much crowd who were all laughing and buying as well.

Business marketing is essentially the promotion of a company's products or services to a specific audience, or engaging in acts that improve a company's name recognition and public goodwill. Advertising is the more generic promotion of a product or service to a less-specific segment of a target market. Although advertising and marketing are not synonymous concepts, adding an ad component into a marketing strategy is a standard business practice.
  1. Marketing Plans

    A traditional marketing plan outlines a business's strategy for publicizing its products and services, improving its mindshare with the target market and building goodwill about the company's brand identity. Many marketing activities are not related to advertising--for example, sponsoring a community event or publishing a CEO blog. Some marketing activities are "passive"--e.g., a coherent and consistent logo and stationery design.

    Advertising Plans

    An advertising plan, by contrast, is intended to actively promote a specific product or service to a defined consumer segment. For example, a manufacturer that developed a new widget for use in heavy industry might develop a sales brochure which it direct-mails to the purchasing managers at heavy-industry plants, as well as reserve a full-page advertisement in a relevant trade journal.

    Marketing Without Advertising?

    Although it is possible to market a company or even a product line without direct advertising, through intangibles like word-of-mouth testimonials, in general, advertising is the most effective way of communicating a product or service to a target audience. In a sense, ads are the cheese on the marketing mousetrap.

    Return on Investment

    Professional marketers usually segregate the return-on-investment for both marketing and advertising programs. In general, an ad program should generate more closed sales than the program cost to develop; however, not all of advertising's impact is quantifiable--for example, a poorly designed ad could upset the target market.Considerations Advertising plans are generally tactical approaches to a larger strategic vision contained in the marketing plan. The marketing plan should drive the ad plan, but not the other way around--otherwise, a company's overall public image can run the risk of incoherence. Additionally, the core principles in the marketing strategy will often shape what sorts of ads are acceptable--a Christian bookseller, for example, is unlikely to advertise a new Bible translation by means of women in bikinis.